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Jimmy: HEY TOAST! YoU wAnNa KnOw My SeCrEt? ? ?

Toast: Can you Get Jimmy away from me?

Gertrude: Ok, one second... *Ahem*  HEY, JIMMY!! I WANNA KNOW YOUR SECRET!

Jimmy: YEAH?! Really? :')

Gertrude: Um, sure!  Just promise that you'll leave toast alone from now 


Jimmy: Ugh! Fine! My secret is............. I'm allergic to Pepsi. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! STAB STAB STAB!!!

Gertrude: Ugh!! NO! Run! Run!! RUN!!!!

Jimmy: *stabs Billy in the arm*

Papa: Crap! *runs*

Billy: Aaaughh! Papa Acachalla! *faints*

Gertrude: Welp…I bet Billy will be fine...EVERY MAN/WOMAN FOR HIM/HERSELF!!

Billy: ....................................................

Sally: *summons Freddie*

Toast: Oh my goodness gracious! Run!

Ghost: Johnny? What? Where- Aaahh!!! *gets attacked by Freddie*

Toast: Sir!!!

Ghost: NO!!!! (Freddie turns to Johnny Toast and starts running after him)

Toast: AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!**

**In a British accent

Ghost: *coughs*

Toast: Someone help me!

Sally: *giggles* Toastie, you so funny!

Billy: *wakes up* What?! What's going on?

Gertrude: (to Billy) I'll explain later! For now, JUST RUN!

Billy: Aah! *runs*

Freddie: ROAR!!! *bites Sally*

Sally: Fweddie! Don't be a bad boy!

Ghost: *goes unconscious* ................................ 

Gertrude: NO, SALLY!!

OK! There's only one way to settle this.... (pulls out a nuke)

Billy: HOLD ON! Let me just get into a chair! Because everyone knows that if you're in a chair you can survive a nuke...

Papa: BILLY- ... That's actually a good idea! EVERYONE IN A CHAIR! Except Freddy

*Everyone gets in chairs*

Toast: Um... Sir? Are you going to wake up any time soon?

Ghost: .....................

Gertrude: *Sigh* (Picks Ghost up and puts him into a chair) He'll be fine.. Anyways! Here we go   (sets off nuke and blows everything up.  Everyone who's in chairs go flying across the map) WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Ghost: *instantly wakes up* What the- AAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHH!!!!

Toast: *lands in a nearby stream* Look, sir! I'm bobbing!

Ghost: (Face-palms but starts laughing anyway)

Gertrude: Is everyone still alive??

Papa: Well, Freddie sure isn't.

Sally: Hey!

Gertrude: Well… now what??

Ghost: Well you could start by explaining what the heck happened. 

Toast: Well, you see sir...


Ghost: ???? Huh?

Toast: You... you...


Ghost: What the heck?! What's going on?

Toast: Ok…You see sir,…you kind of have a dark side named "Jimmy Casket" it only comes out when you get mad or really upset or something like that.  And, well, you caught me, Jonny Toast, eating, well, toast, and you were like "TOAST! YOU CANNIBAL!!!" And kinda sorta went completely insane....

Ghost: No I don't! Why would I ever go insane over a piece of toast? I was joking when I said that!

Toast: *rolls eyes*

Ghost: I fainted, remember? Nothing bad hap- 

Jimmy: -pened, Johnny! *laughs maniacally*

Gertrude: Oh crap...not again.......

Sally: Oh, nos..Scary guy is back! Wun for your lives!!!

Billy: Yikes! *grabs Papa's leg*

Papa Acachalla: Billy, get off!

Toast: *face-palms*

*Everyone starts running*


Gertrude: For the last time! No! We don't want to know your secret!!

Jimmy: ArE yOu SuRe????

Sally: .................Do you have any.....................waffles?

Jimmy: YES! I do!


Gertrude: Wait! Sweetie! What if he's lying??

Jimmy: *throws a waffle to Sally*

Sally: (has waffle in her mouth) FANKYOU!

Gertrude: Huh...I guess he was telling the truth.

Jimmy: *pulls out knife* Do you want me to... BUTTER them for you?

Gertrude: Wait a sec......

Jimmy: HAHAHA!!! Have some jelly! *stabs Gertrude*

Sally: MOMMY!!!!! NOOOO!!!!! You'll pay for dis mister... (Sally's eyes turn red and she starts running after Jimmy) GET BACK HERE, YOU BIG BULLY!!

Jimmy: *Starts giggling* Catch me if you can!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Gertrude: *Is slowly dying* Sally.....Run............. *Dies*

Sally: Nooo!!

Billy: *tries to shake Gertrude awake with no avail* Momma? ;-;

Sally: *catches Jimmy and takes away his knife* This is for Mama Gertrude! *begins jabbing the knife at him*

Jimmy: Ow! Ow! That's my good hand! 

Papa Acachalla: Yeah, get 'im, Sally! Get 'im!

Sally: Die! Die!! DIE!!!

Billy: Geez...I never knew how violent Sally really was. O.o

Jimmy: AAaaaaaaaa-

Ghost: -aaaaaAAAA!!!! Sally! STOP!! What the heck are you doing!?

Sally: *gasps* Did your eyeballs just change color?!

Ghost: I-i.... *cringes in pain* Why'd you stab me?

Toast: Sir! Are you okay?! *hugs Ghost*

Ghost: Y-yeah... I'm fine.... *faints in Toast's arms*


Toast: SIR! We need to get him to a hospital, STAT!

Sally: Oh-no! I didn't mean to hurt the nice guy...   I was just trying to stop the mean one... I sorry!

Toast: Don't worry about it. Right now, we need to get Johnny some medical treatment. To the hospital! *Toast puts Ghost into his bright pink car then jumps in himself*

Sally: Oooh! I like the color! It'd be better if it was purple though…

Ghost: ...........................................................

Sally: Can I come too?

Toast: *sighs* Okay, I guess.

Sally: Yay! *hops into passenger seat*

Toast: *drives off*

Billy: .......but....but I'm a medic!

(Toast and Sally don't hear Billy so they keep driving. They make it to the hospital and the doctors nurses get straight to work)

Billy: *Enters the hospital and is out of breath because he ran the whole way there* GUYS *pant* I *pant* AM *pant* A *pant* MEDIC *pant* *pant*

Toast: Oh, well why didn't you say so??

Billy: I DID!

Toast: Oh...Well then...This is quite embarrassing…

Billy: *face-palms* Ugh! No one ever notices me! *grabs a bandage, and helps the others*

Ghost: *wakes up* Where am I?

Random nurse: You're in the hospital. You're going to be fine.

Jimmy: What do you mean? I'm already fine!

Toast: *rolls eyes* Here we go again.  

Billy: Quick!! Everyone!! Out of the the hospital!!!!

Sally: NOT AGAIN! I thought the scary guy was gone for good this time!

Toast: Wait! I remember Ghost saying something about an potion that he kept in his basement that makes people with a bad side turn into two separate people.  One bad and one good! If we can get to that potion and give it to Ghost, his dark side will separate from him and we can just kill him and he will be gone for good!

Sally: Two people? What?

Toast: Yes. Follow me, and we can get it. 

Sally: Ok, Toastie! *follows Toast out of the hospital*

Billy: Wait! He's going for the scalpel!

Jimmy: *grabs scalpel* SURGERY TIME!!! HAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!


Sally: EVERYBODY RUN!!!!!!

Everyone but Jimmy: AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!


(Everyone runs to Johnny Ghost's house and runs into the basement.  Johnny Toast grabs the potion.  He punches Jimmy Casket in the face and Jimmy goes unconscious.  Johnny Toast gives him the potion and Jimmy starts ascending into the air.  His body splits into two and both bodies land on the ground.)

Billy: ........Well I'm scarred for life...

Sally: Do they make waffles?

Ghost: What the-? Toast, what did you do?

Toast: Sir, are you alright? We used the potion!

Ghost: Johnny! I told you to only use it as a last resort! 

Toast: B-but sir, it was! 

Jimmy: *jumps up behind Toast and knocks him out with the handle of his knife* 

Ghost: JOHNNY!!!!

Sally: AHHH!!! KILL HIM!!!!!!!! *Sally grabs a knife she found near by and stabs Jimmy in the back multiple times*

Ghost: Well...I think he's dead... O_O

Ghost: ........It is strange......not having a voice in my head. I feel as if a part of me is....missing. Am I finally free?

Sally: Pwobably, Ghostie. Do you have any waffles?

Ghost: Sorry. I don't. I think Toast might, though. Too bad he's unconscious.

Sally: *looting Toast's pack* Nope. Dangit.

Toast: *wakes up* Please excuse my language, but WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!

Sally: Looking for waffles...I didn't find any though...

Toast: Well of course not! Who would just randomly carry around waffles in their pack?? Well, except for you, of course.

Ghost: Well...What now??

Sally: *looks in her own pockets and finds a squished waffle* 

Toast: See?

Ghost: O_o Well now, that is just weird....

Toast: *holds up scanner* Sir! I'm getting paranormal readings!

Ghost: What is is, Johnny?

Toast: A level two, I think. Someone who just died a few hours ago...

Sally: Who is it?? Come on! Tell me! Tell me!! Tell me!!!

Toast: It's........ Gertrude?!

Ghost: What?! How did she die?

Toast: Sir, I-i don't think you want to know...


Sally: You mean, my mommy's a ghost?? Cool!

Ghost: Yeah! Now she can haunt us all forever and ever! Awesome!**

**Says sarcastically

Toast: Yeah!

Sally: Hey, Mommy! Can you make me a ghost waffle?

Ghost: Actually, I'd rather you didn't. 

Toast: She didn't mean you, Ghost. 

Ghost: I was kidding.... 

Gertrude's ghost: *face-palms*


Gertude's ghost: Why of course I can! Here you go, sweetie! *Hands Sally a ghost waffle*

Sally: Mmmm! Tastes like ghost!

Ghost: Eww! *Shutters*

Sally: Really??   

Ghost: What?? You say that and expect me not to have thoughts?? Sheesh…

Gertrude: So does that mean you want one too?

Ghost: I-

Gertrude: *hands him a ghost waffle* Here you go!

Ghost: Okay.... um.... thanks?

Toast: How's it taste?

Ghost: Like ghost...

Sally: Bananabalism...

Gertrude: Honey, it's pronounced cannibalism and, is it really??

Sally: Yes.

Toast: Okay…

Sally: Uhh... Toastie, what's that behind you?

Toast: *turns around* Oh my goodness gracious! It's a Ghostly Toilet!

Ghost: Oh gosh, it's the Toilet Toucher! Run! *begins running away, but trips over Jimmy's corpse* Aah! Johnny!

Toast: Coming, sir! *trips over Ghost* This is not good, sir!

Sally: *trips over Toast*

Toilet Toucher: *trips over Sally*

Ghost: I can't feel my legs...

Toast: We seem to be in a....situation, Sir.

Ghost: Yes, I can see that...

Toast: Toilet Toucher, what are you doing here?? Did you take a wrong turn somewhere??

Toilet Toucher: Yeh. Wrong toilet. Tryin'a get to Jimmy. Gotta avenge myself…

Ghost: *Gets up and knocks everyone over* Oh, ok. Well,, Jimmy's dead, so good luck with that.

Toilet Toucher: He's...WHAT!?

Toast: What part of dead do you not understand?

Toilet Toucher: Dagnabit! Well.... at least he's dead...

Jimmy: *sits up instantly* OR AM I?!?!

Toilet Toucher: Wha-??

Jimmy: I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!!!!!!!

Ghost: OH-NO! I can’t be!!

Toast: Sir! Run!!!!!!!!

Jimmy: DiD yOu ReAlLy ThInK tHaT wOuLd WoRk?????

Ghost: *head in hands* No! No! It can't be him! This wasn't supposed to happen!

Toast: Are you crazy, sir? RUN!!!

Ghost: I....No! Johnny, help me! ......I don't understand.......

Jimmy: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAH! *stabs Ghost in the chest*

Ghost: No- AAAUUUGGHH!! *is dying*

Toast: SIR!!!!!

Ghost: Johnny...... I..... I-i'm sorry..... *dies*

Toast: JOHNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jimmy: Hehehe...YoU fEeLiNg AnGrY??? Go ahead...Let the anger take control! Try and kill me again.... HeheheheHAHAHAHAHA

Toast: N-no! T-t-this can't no no no no no no no no no NO!

Jimmy: Ha-ha-how does it feel to have everything you loved RIPPED away from you!?

Toast: I....I.....No! Stop! Please!

Jimmy: *produces apparition of Mary Toast*

Toast: No! N-not her! Please!

Jimmy: You knew this woman, didn't you. Wouldn't it be a SHAME if something happened. Oh wait.... SOMETHING ALREADY DID!!!!!

Toast: B-b-but that was YEARS ago! 

Jimmy: You know what you did....

Toast: Stop! Stop! Stop! 

Jimmy: Stab Stab Stab!

Toast: How dare you!*kills Jimmy again in a furious rage* 

Jimmy: *dies laughing*

Toast: *runs over to Ghost's dead body* S-sir! I'm so sorry! No! Not Johnny! Not my best friend! No.....     

Ghost's ghost: Johnny! Over here!

Toast: S-sir! Wha-what's going on??

Ghost's ghost: I'm fully ghost now. But I only have a few moments before I disappear for good.  Now listen.  I want you to know, that even though I'm gone, I- *disappears*

Toast:   ……………………………I...... um.....sir? 

Jimmy: *can't be seen* Hah! Had you fooled there, didn't I!

Toast: What?! Go away!

Jimmy: You thought you had him back, just for ONE second. But no. That was completely fake. Here he is. *appears and holds up Ghost's ghost by the neck*

Ghost: *tears are slowly streaming down his face, but he is unconscious*  ....................................................

Toast: What are you doing to him? Leave him alone!

Jimmy: You thought I was just going to give him peace in death. Think again!

Ghost: *opens eyes but doesn't see Toast* ..........................................

Jimmy: And now, I'm going to make him PAY!

Toast: What did he do?!

Jimmy: You should know. 

Toast: What?!

Jimmy: He destroyed thousands of innocent paranormal entities! So many people who are just a bit different are treated like garbage. And it's all because of him! AND YOU!

Toast: What...? No! W-we just simply apprehended them.....right sir??


Toast: W-WHAT?? What are you talking about??

Ghost: No. I lied to you, Johnny. All those paranormal entities that I SAID we apprehended, actually, um were me.....

Toast: No! I won't believe it! I CAN'T believe it! THIS CANNOT BE TRUE!

Ghost: Johnny...I'm sorry...I'm so, so sorry...


Toast: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 

Jimmy: *stabs Ghost repeatedly* 

Ghost: *screaming in pain*

Jimmy: *uses invisible force to suffocate Toast*

Toast: *choking* -sir-..............-no-...............-help-

Billy: *walks in* What's going on?!

Toast: ........-help-...............-please-........ *blacks out*

Billy: O_o

Jimmy: Oh, gosh! Not you! I thought you DIED back at the hospital!

Billy: Oh no! I just took a wrong turn and lost you guys. But now that I found you, *screams like a girl and runs out again*

Jimmy: Why you little- *to Toast* I'll deal with you later! *Ties him up to a near by pole and runs after Billy*

Toast: *Wakes up*  -gasp- *heavy breathing* Sir! Wake up! Please wake up sir!

Ghost: ................................................

Toast: -sigh- It's no use... He'll never wake up... I'll never see him again…

Toast: ....It's too bad, really... I wish I could've said how good of a friend he was. I loved him like a brother. *start's crying* .....I-it was my fault, really. I should've never eaten that toast. If I had seen this future..... I-i never would have. Oh, Johnny, I'm so sorry. I wish this had never happened.

Ghost: *opens eyes just a crack* It's okay....Johnny. *in a weak, wavering voice* 

Toast: Sir?! You're alright! Did you hear all of that?

Ghost: *smiles* Just because I'm a ghost doesn't mean I can't be here with you. Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault.

Toast: Oh, don't be silly, Ghost. Of course it was my fault.

Ghost: I'm not joking, Johnny. It was just.... that time of year again. *looks at Toast's bindings* Do you want me to cut you loose?

Toast: That would be great, sir. But... are you strong enough.

Ghost: Johnny, I'm a ghost. I can handle this! *cuts away the ropes with his pocket knife* Do you accept hugs?

Toast: Of course, Johnny! *gives Ghost a warm, friendly embrace*

A story by me and TheChocolateArmor 

Hope you guys like it! HG derp 
(Sorry if there're any errors :( (Sad) =P (Razz))

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© 2016 - 2024 Cinnamon-Bun1
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RustyTheQuilava's avatar
*Next to last scene:

*Wait can't you all just come back from the dead? Billy can't Technically die then. And Ghost and Gertrude just become revived... So, Isn't Casket just being Stubborn?